Wessex Fives Club

Welcome to the Wessex Five Club.   Come along to the Winchester College Courts and PLAY THE GAME!

A vibrant Winchester Fives club in the heart of the city.

Fives is a handball game. Its origins are a little obscure but one theory is that it began, some centuries ago, when boys used the buttresses and walls of a church and hit the ball with their hands against the walls - the angles of the buttresses and walls lending variety to the game. It might then have been a game played as singles or doubles.

The new sports centre, now home to Wessex Fives Club.


Learn to play at Wessex Fives Club

Highlights of the Barnes Bridge Final 2019- Games 1 and 2

The 2019 match between the Rugby Fives Association and the Winchester Fives Association was the closest so far in this series of 9 matches. A 7 point win sees the RFA take a 5-4 lead