Membership — Wessex Fives Club

Welcome to the Wessex Five Club.   Come along to the Winchester College Courts and PLAY THE GAME!


We have over 50 members with an average attendance on a club night of about 20-24.

Members include boys from the college, students from Southampton University and enthusiasts from many a mile around.

Contact us to get involved.


Club nights

The season runs from the start of the Autumn term (September) to the end of April.

The club meets every Tuesday evening with play from about 1830 to 2130.

All staff and boys at Winchester College play without any charge.

First time visitors play for free, then £10 per evening.

Voluntary annual subscription is £30

Members pay £7.50 per evening; £1.50 for students.

Changing and shower facilities are available and thirsty players adjourn after exercise to the Wykeham Arms!